Bell Harbour Press

A Safe Haven

for Authors

Discover the legacy of two iconic writers who have shaped the world of print-on-demand publishing. Explore our curated collection of timeless books and inspiring authors.

Coming Soon!

New Adventures Await

Be the first to read these exciting new titles from Bell Harbour Press. Keep an eye out for these inspiring works hitting the shelves soon!

McGinty's War

by A. E. Kastrul

The Lotus Monster

by Judy Burns

Meet Our Visionaries

Featured Authors

Get to know some of the creative minds behind our captivating books. Each author brings a unique perspective and passion to their craft.

Sharon Rich

Best-Selling Author and Film Historian

D. Daniel Vujic

International Film Producer, Screenwriter and Author

Margien Burns

Author, Artist & Children's Book Illustrator

Judy Burns

Producer, Screenwriter, Author & Storyteller

Bell Harbour Press

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Our Legacy

The Story of
Bell Harbour Press

BELL HARBOUR PRESS was started by two writers: Judy Burns of Star Trek fame (The Tholian Web and The Wrath of Khan) and film historian Sharon Rich (Sweethearts and Tesla). In the year 2000, print-on-demand publishing was in its infancy and the plan was to take control of their publishing efforts. They researched the handful of available companies and were approached by Mitchell Davis, a young upstart eager to have a mainstream-published, best selling author work with his pioneering startup. They chose to publish with his company, first called GreatUnpublished, then Booksurge. In time, Davis was able to push technology with the capability to include many photos in a book, and also provide color printing. In 2005, Booksurge was acquired by, morphed into CreateSpace and finally became Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), the largest independent publishing platform in the world. Our books are frequently found on Amazon best seller lists worldwide, including those titles published in the earliest days with Booksurge. Our books are also available at Barnes & Noble and on most ebook platforms worldwide. You can request your local bookstore or library order directly from Ingram distribution!